A doctrine is a set of beliefs, teachings, and esoteric traditions taught by particular groups and passed down from one generation to the next.
These teachings usually revolve around spirituality, religion, sexuality, evolution, and human transformation.
They answer questions on the purpose of existence, life after death, continuity of life, consciousness, and good and evil.
The Egyptian mystery schools had several secret doctrines and teachings passed down throughout the years. However, not everyone could join these mystic schools. Only initiated students could learn these principles and philosophies.
The role of the initiates was to preserve and protect these doctrines. They vowed secrecy to ensure the teachings within the inner circle of initiated students.
Fortunately, we can now reveal some of the secret doctrines of the Egyptian mystery schools. These include:
Alchemy originated from the word, Khem, describing the fertility of the Nile flood plains. Spiritual alchemy is a doctrine revolving around inner transformation. Ancient Egyptians believed that one must heal and cleanse the inner self to dispel fear, attract positive energy and liberate oneself from self-destructive beliefs and disorders. This secret doctrine can help you free yourself from obstacles and manifest anything you want.
Mysticism is a teaching that focuses on contemplation and self-surrender. It explores the secret meanings of various meditation rituals and beliefs and how they correlate to your body organs and chakras.
Your body has seven energy centers called chakras, with each chakra aligning with a particular organ. Mysticism explores these chakras' physical and spiritual dimensions to help you achieve spiritual wellness and manifest vitality.
Egypt is renowned as the birthplace of hidden wisdom, so it is not surprising that Hermetic philosophy was part of the curriculum in Egyptian mystery schools. Hermeticism is a philosophical approach based on the teachings of the Egyptian god Thoth and the Greek god Hermes.
Hermetic wisdom and alchemy follow seven principles you can use to manifest anything you want to improve your life. These principles include mentalism, which entails using your aspirations to shape your reality. The second principle is correspondence, which tries to connect you to the world around you.
The principle of polarity states that everything has poles. Unlike poles always attract, while like poles repel. This principle teaches us to use negative feelings toward others and develop positive ones to achieve our goals.
The principle of vibration states that everything moves. Once you understand this principle, you can control your vibrations positively to help you achieve your goals.
Other principles worth mentioning include rhythm, gender, and cause and effect. Everything has a rise and fall, a masculine and feminine side, and every cause affects your desired outcome.
Egyptian Mystery Schools have several doctrines that remain shrouded in secrecy because of a lack of enough data. The good news is that it is just a matter of time before new findings emerge to help astute followers use the information to improve their lives. Use this guide to learn more about the secret doctrines of the Egyptian mystery schools and manifest anything you want this year and beyond.
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